Intro class to pole dance in Copenhagen

Pole Intro

First time trying pole dance? This is the perfect class for you! In our Pole Intro class you will be introduced to all the basics of pole dancing, to build a solid foundation for your pole dance journey. hroughout the class you will learn basic spins and tricks and be introduced to all the pole terms we use. You do not need to be strong to begin pole dancing, and that is why we focus on using the correct techniques. Your instructor will carefully break down each move, to ensure that everyone follows but also to challenge those who are about to level up to Pole Beginners. At the end of the class you will be able to do some basic spins, stand/sit on the pole and practice various techniques to invert. We recommend joining this class 3-5 times, and once you are comfortable with the techniques, then you can join our Pole Beginner classes.

🩳 Please remember to wear shorts or leggings that can be pulled up above the knees, as you need skin to grip on to the pole. Please also avoid wearing lotions on your hands, and remember to take off any finger rings. After the class an instructor will help you answer all the questions you may have about our memberships, downloading our app Glofox or anything else. So bring on all the questions you may have and we will be ready to answer them!

Pole Beginner

Within this level you will continue to build your knowledge from the Pole Foundations class and expand your repertoire of pole spins and tricks. The focus is to get you fully comfortable with climbing on the pole, going upside down and building more strength. Not only will you learn a bunch of new tricks on this level but you will also begin to combine tricks and create small combos. While you continue to go in depth with trick variations and techniques, there will also be an increased focus on details (such as pointing your toes, or making nice lines with your legs) ensuring that your trick looks better than ever.

✔️ Sitting
✔️ Standing
✔️ Techniques to inverting

✨What you'll learn on this level✨
* Outside leghang
* Straddle
* Hip hold / pike
* Inverting from the ground
* Stargazer
* Figurehead

Pole Intermediate I

On the Intermediate I level we will focus on making pole combos by combining old and new tricks and making seamless transitions. You will spend more time off the ground and on the pole, and it is therefore important to be fully confident with inverting.

✔️ Outside leghang
✔️ Straddle
✔️ Hip hold / pike
✔️ Inverting from the ground

✨What you'll learn on this level✨
* Butterfly
* Layback
* Superman
* Brass Monkey
* Jade Split
* Techniques to Air Invert

Pole Intermediate II

On the intermediate II level we will focus on refining both tricks and techniques, while expanding your repertoire of pole spins, tricks, ways of inverting and ways of gripping the pole. You will spend more time doing air inverts, as the tricks move even higher on the pole and are combined to longer combos. You will not only learn how to connect the tricks you learn into various combos, but also how to move in a smooth flow.

✔️ Butterfly
✔️ Superman
✔️ Brass Monkey
✔️ Techniques to Air Invert

✨What you'll learn on this level✨
* Aicha
* Air Invert
* Shoulder Mount Straddle
* Handspring
* Allegra
* Titanic

Pole Advanced

On the Advanced level you should feel comfortable and confident performing most Intermediate level tricks with smooth transitions and combos. These tricks will be used for longer aerial combos and to advance to more difficult tricks that require greater strength and flexibility. Your pole journey is never ending and we are so excited to keep learning together!

✔️ Aicha
✔️ Air Invert
✔️ Shoulder Mount

✨What you'll learn on this level✨
* Deadlifting
* Iron-X
* Eagle
* Bird of Paradise
* Flips
* Russian Split

Pole Art

The Pole Art class focuses on spins and combining tricks in a flow to music. This class will therefore differ depending on the song and style. Styles will vary from contemporary to feminine. It is good to bring both shorts and long pants.

Shoes are not needed for this class, but the instructor will inform you in our Facebook student forum if shoes are recommended for a specific choreo.

This class is for all levels. We do recommend taking about 3 pole classes before joining, but it is not a requirement.

Pole Play

Pole Play is a class without an instructor, where you are free to train your favourite Pole tricks and spins on your own. This is a great way to keep yourself motivated and to reach your pole goals. You can workout on the Pole, Dancing or Stretching.

Tips for the best workout:

  • Only practice tricks you know the techniques to

  • You can always improve your lines or the other side

  • Film yourself - to track progress or spot mistakes

Pole Mix

This pole class is a mix of all levels. The instructor will teach tricks and combos which can be broken down to fit any level. This gives you the best opportunity to try a trick for the very first time or advance and improve your current skills.

We recommend you have attended at least 3 pole classes before joining this class.

Heels Beginner

This pole class will focus on sensual dancing and will be taught in heels. You will learn to walk and dance with heels and combine movements into a choreo. This is the perfect class for those who are just learning to dance with heels or want to do more pole choreo's.

It is possible to attend this class without wearing heels. It is also possible to rent heels at the studio. We have limited shoes for rental, so first come first serve.


Our flexibility class is the perfect class for anyone who wants to improve their flexibility and active stretch.

You will learn various techniques for stretching as well as how to avoid injuries. The instructor will guide you through both passive and active stretches and correct your form to ensure good stretching techniques.

This class is for all levels. And no, you do not need to be flexible to join this class 😊

Power & Stretch

This class is the perfect combination of building strength followed by stretching. The first half of the class is all about strength exercises targeted towards gaining strength for your pole journey and overall fitness. In the second half of the class, your muscles deserve a nice stretch and the focus will then move to stretching and overall flexibility.

This class is for all levels.


This pilates class is a fun and upbeat full-body workout that will strengthen your muscles for your next aerial training as well as improve your general fitness. Expect a sweat session to catchy tunes that will leave you pumped and ready to conquer the rest of your day. Feel free to bring a booty band if you have one - otherwise we don’t use any equipment other than our body weight.

This class is suitable for anybody who wants to join as all exercises can be made easier or harder according to one’s own level of strength and flexibility.